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iRosePH Online Forum


Change of Code of Conduct PB.4 & PB.5.


Kyros's Photo Kyros 12 Dec 2014

Dear players,

The staff has agreed to change one of the following rules which means hat as per now the following changes will apply.

PB.4. Trading, selling account/s for other game account/s, zulie, or any other kind of currency (In-game, forums).
PB.5. Trading, selling items, zulie or any other kind of currency for other game account/s, zulie or any other kind of currency (In-game, forums).
These rule will be changed to In-game and Forums only due the fact that there might be some loopholes which means some one might be innocent banned.

What does it mean if my account already has been banned for selling my account on a social media page?
You may make a ticket and the case will be reviewed, this code of conduct change does not mean you will be unbanned.

I personally will check all the reviewed cases.
Also we can and we will not recover account/s if the account has been sold/bought.