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NightFall's Photo

Popped by in game to visit old friends and enemies, how are you guys?

NightFall's Photo

Thinking of going back, how is the game?

NightFall's Photo

Someone really should tell me what's going on, i'm really really lost!

NightFall's Photo

what's with people getting the countdown wrong?.. =_="

NightFall's Photo

If anyone else is using the Samsung Galaxy S4 and it's running slow, try opening the Developer option then turn off the animation and duration scale. Makes it way faster regardless of the RAM

NightFall's Photo

Sometimes I think that if Premium items are achievable not only in item mall but in tournaments, intensely hard quests and events we would have more players. Another thing is make non-premiums stronger so that the game will have some sort of challenge and the non donators would stand a chance. It's a pay to win game at the moment but it's still very good.

NightFall's Photo

http://imgur.com/y9HTB3J "Stunned twice but didn`t die? Must be a bug!" - Oxygen logic

NightFall's Photo

Grand Slam! 4 planets :) Happy New Years to everyone. Congratulations to my fellow EXODUS members!

NightFall's Photo

According to a certain dev. , more people voted for 1:30hr and 2hr... which are two different choices... but apparently it's only counted as one.... WOW

NightFall's Photo

.....40% loses to the 60% which is a combination of 3 choices while the first 40% was only 1. Honestly, people go too far...... Clearly the 40% wins and nothing was said about combining the other 3 choices.....

NightFall's Photo

Upgraded my phone from samsung galaxy s3 to samsung galaxy s4 sweet O_O

NightFall's Photo

This guy talks a lot but! DAMN OWNED HAHAH 3VS1 battle too LOL http://imgur.com/5dOQZG2

NightFall's Photo

Beyond Godlike :) and 4 of those were you! Today was a good day :D

NightFall's Photo

I see bitter people barking and crying in game and in forum at me hehe tough tits! i'm back and i'm gonna whoop yo ass AGAIN! Crybaby lol