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wonwoo's Photo

storage is not working wtf??? i keep putting items in storage but when i relog, it goes back in inventory -.-

wonwoo's Photo

i hope admins/devs still make a halloween and christmas patch combine even if its already january XD i just wanna experience this kinds of events :>

wonwoo's Photo

server up but the weekend mania x2 farming is gone :'( this is just sad

wonwoo's Photo

i thought disasembling donate items gives you 50% of the original price....i disasemble my green warper set worth 800dp i only got 300credits should be 400credits :( yyyyy

wonwoo's Photo

ppl should stop vending trashes and put 1b on it just to afk there char, seriously ppl should atleast have some considerations to those ppl who really want to vend in the market -_- no more slots for my refines seller in junon :'(

wonwoo's Photo

pls adjust the spawn of rocks, plants and trees....most of them spawn inside the tree,rocks, wall or even up in the hills :'( hard to compete with those who use IM tools and boosters :(

wonwoo's Photo

ppl can i ask...do i need high int for a 'stunna' to activate? how many seconds those stunna have?

wonwoo's Photo

how i wish we can only use 2 accounts on the bigboss event cus its so freaking laggy many people in one area

wonwoo's Photo

my Iroseph Online has stopped working :'(

wonwoo's Photo

does prestige rune [stunna/poison] and aoe stun of shaman triggered depends on how many intelligence do i have? can someone answer pls

wonwoo's Photo

just a question....im a full dr type shaman~2.6kdr w/ cleric buffs....full donate players get miss when hitting me...but, why wisp can hit me hard?? seriously shouldnt they miss aswell? im new so enlighten me pls

wonwoo's Photo

does IM drill has 100% to slot an item when used?

wonwoo's Photo

how many MB or GB does this game consumes on a daily basis whereas you only play 3-5hrs?