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#35822 Do something about GA

Posted by charas on 15 January 2014 - 06:33 AM in Game Client & In-game Bugs

View PostMoogle, on 14 January 2014 - 12:36 AM, said:

Balanced? Nothing in this game is balanced! I don't even consider this a game anymore, it is more of a sandbox for players to screw around in trying to feel special. I always see people flaming each other, boasting how strong they are, who has the best clan, who can beat who. In truth, nobody is strong, all of the variables which were meant to play key factors in battle are all maxed out, leaving virtually only random chance to determine who wins in a fight. And clans? Imagine if a group of kids were forming a football game, and 20 kids were picked for team A, but only 5 kids were picked for team B. One or two enormous clans in existence dominating the server does not make you strong, it makes you incredibly stupid for sucking all of the fun out of the game, thus excluding new players from the fun, and reducing the amount of new players who actually stay to a very tiny number. Of course, all of these problems could be fixed one step at a time until all is fair, but each and every adjustment that is made causes an apocalypse of players crying that their pretend strength has been nerfed is reverted, because players literally stop playing.

Players seem to be under the impression that comments and suggestions have evolved into some form of game decision democracy, as if the problems within this server could ever be solved by each player's biased little opinion being cast into a voting poll. That is precisely how the game became unbalanced in the first place, and is also precisely why it has not improved. So we are at a stalemate, nothing will improve until players allow us to make changes, which may or may never happen. But you can stop with the petty little threads, complaining about things such as movement speed in an isolated arena game. Such a tiny issue to address in the middle of a gigantic shit storm? Why should we concern ourselves with such things? Selectively bitching about things that you want fixed for your own personal reasons, and then quitting whenever something you dislike is fixed, why should we bother?

What you say about this version of the game is true, what you say about the attitude of most players and big clans is also indeed true, but your tone and your arrogance are something that I probably never saw in any other servers or on any other games since i play mmos, and we are talking about a good 15 years.
There is no such thing as a "tiny issue" or "petty little threads". It s all feedback that u should indeed compil and take into consideration. It s incredible to see someone, part of the so called staff saying things like " Why should we concern ourselves with such things?". You are most probably unhappy with the player s behaviour, and oh god i can understand you. but ... making a post like yours disregarding your players opinion like if nothing coming from them could ever have any value.... really? like..... really?
Never forget that you got players on your server that have way more experience than you with games, especially mmos, or even ROSE, I know players here that played ROSE since beta phase (including me). I dont know you, but i highly doubt any admin in here are playing this game for so long. I see that you are indeed a developer, but do you think it makes your opinion more valuable than some of your players who could have 10years++ experience with many different mmos?
I completly agree that the movement speed being a problem in a few fights can be considered as a "mini" issue. It s a problem directly related to the amount of raw stats you can stack on this server and the way those stats are scaling... and guess what? this is not a mini issue. Dont get me wrong, balance wise it is normal for scouts to run and faster than others, in any mmos archer are a kiting class...well on the server you made scout be a kiting class with max dming skills and 50% stuns able to use 5 gems and to reach an enormous amount of dext and hit while still keeping their acc up... this might be indeed unbalanced.

I can understand how beautifull it sounds to be able to rebalance everything, I would be one to embrace this with a big smile. But the truth is that 90% of your player base play the game for what it is right now, a few big shtty clans thinking they are awesome, a few classes completly unbalanced that everyone is playing, absolutly meaningless rgn deciding the issue of every fight, and a game dominated by wich type of donate you bought with your money. If you were to really and honestly rebalance this game, and it would take way way more than a lil damage ajustment on a weapon that wasn`t much of a priority anyway, you are better with letting this server with the class and stat ratios it has, and open a new server to start fresh, wich i guess, will never happen.