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There have been 50 items by BETTLEMAN (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#55509 Unics level 130, where can I get them?

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 22 February 2016 - 07:36 PM in Item Guide

Or they drop it at Luna Clan Field room 2 bosses.

#51057 Stat calculator

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 21 July 2015 - 06:00 AM in Newbie Tips

If you guys want a program which shows your stats and what ever message me the formula for each classes each I can make it.

#54426 RunTime Error!

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 17 October 2015 - 07:23 AM in Technical Support

From what I can understand from this error, try to uninstall Visual C++ Redistributables then reboot your system. After that download a fresh copy of C++ Redistributables. I might be because the one you have atm is corrupted or you don't have it on your system yet.

And in your life time don't use a Register Cleaner, I will cause you more problem then you have right now.

#53779 Q&A: Wrong answer

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 22 September 2015 - 12:21 AM in Game Client & In-game Bugs

View PostKyros, on 21 September 2015 - 11:39 PM, said:

You have to post the whole achievement name, including any marks.
Since it's a copy/past Q&A any other given answer will be incorrect.

Will be fixed as well.
Yea I did post the whole answer but sadly it doesn't work. So when that question comes in no one can get it answered and wait for the "Nobody found the answer"

#53718 Q&A: Wrong answer

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 21 September 2015 - 09:26 AM in Game Client & In-game Bugs


#53758 Q&A: Wrong answer

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 21 September 2015 - 08:05 PM in Game Client & In-game Bugs

And the questions for "What is the achievement you unlock after collecting 500-5000 clan points" the achievements and the completely wrong because none of the achievement we list are incorrect.

#55946 Patch 15/06/2016 New Items, Bug Fixes & Adjustment

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 15 June 2016 - 10:23 AM in Update Archive


#50687 Patch 11/07/2015 Bug Fixes & Adjustments

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 13 July 2015 - 04:58 AM in Update Archive

Really unfair. We still used like 5k DP also for katar ap and when it was nerf we had to diss our ap set for a new one for int or a new ap which is suitable for dual type. Pretty funny. Even tho they they had a hunter coupon it's their fault where everyone Announced Its gonna be fixed in the next patch when xevor heard it so much by enemies and from his mates. His fault and the other peoples faults :)?

#50970 Patch 11/07/2015 Bug Fixes & Adjustments

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 18 July 2015 - 01:15 AM in Update Archive

You can't change the system even if you're a GM. Unfair for everyone which for nerf. We spent a lot for the character for what? Nerf and not able to get refunded? Same goes to hunter ap type but they DO get refunded ? How does that make a difference when cleric and katar doesn't work well with each other ? It's the same thing goes to ap hunter which they can't use the dual weapon and cleric can't use a katar. But the dual can get a refund but the cleric can't? That pretty stupid if you ask me and everyone which did experience so many nerf and adjustment within the server. Katar nerf = no refund or stats, cleric - bow = no exchange or refund same goes to the katar and etc with the other nerfs you had done. So why is it fair for you to change their class refund and exchange their weapon for what? Their stupidness for doing it? Do we get our cleric to change to raider? Do we get. Exchange to a wand? Do we get our DP back for our exchanging set? You can't just say you can change the rule all you like when it will ruin he game. Go to the other game servers which is rose or games with activision and ask for a refund? They are successful because they follow the rule and don't change them time to time without notice and get the patch out soon as possible. And their money isn't for waste, we spent money for this game and in-game shit we need equality and we didn't get any during these past server times when it was open. Even tho you are a GM I'm not going against it or because it's ridiculous for people who cried and moan to GM for refund because they are dumb to make it a AP HUNTER when they already know it was going to be fixed. We didn't get a announcement it's going to be fixed with cleric Dex type and katar ap nerf. But the hunter bug was announced earlier to warn people but what? They made it and know they'll get refund pretend they didn't know as I saw XOVER did earlier when everyone in the clan told and warn him so many times its going to fixed? That's a really stupid thing to do refunding people who done it purposely. It's like you know you will get money from your school changes from your school trip and you can keep the change but you told your parents you won't get change back but you pretend you wouldn't have any change but truly you will get a lot from the school change but you still asked the parents, gave him money because for false believes and stupidness because they had the receipt and the payment slip but they turn a blind eye to him. That's what this server doing, it won't be up as long as you keep this up, it will equal to unfair to everyone. Fix problem give those ap hunter back to hunter and their dual blade or give EVERYONE a refund which experience. A nerf adjustment s and fixes which never got refunded. The worlds revolves with everyone and equality game or irl it's everywhere. Get your act together.

^ lol didn't expect that to be that long lolll
Don't think it's just me who thinks this, pretty unfair for people who spent more the those ap hunters which never get a refund. Everyone is quitting and moaning how this server is and asking when it will be down. I heard from people and I never said so but sad to say I heard from many people I'm not online anymore due to the fact it's boring as hell and the game revolves to rule of changes to be exact and we didn't get a refund for the adjustment you made earlier and kyros if I remember properly you were here and tintin was here also which he's the one who refunded about this situation how about the katar situation? Yeah it still can be used but no exchange for a dual wield and stats scroll? How stupid is that?

#50621 Patch 11/07/2015 Bug Fixes & Adjustments

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 11 July 2015 - 09:26 PM in Update Archive

View Postmeeow, on 11 July 2015 - 06:11 PM, said:

1000 stamina for GP? i think its not good since vital potions for stamina is low . and yellow pills cant be farmed . and 90 secs was too much maybe 60secs will be fair enough
Yea there is ways to farm vital potions L or something which gives 500 :)

#50623 Patch 11/07/2015 Bug Fixes & Adjustments

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 11 July 2015 - 09:37 PM in Update Archive

View PostRygar, on 11 July 2015 - 09:31 PM, said:

So when do the people who wants to be raider again get their reset? and the 500 DP used for the scroll? and the 300 DP for the weapon?
That's your problem when you know it's gonna be fixed. Everyone knew it's going to be fixed but they made to have a try and a crack with it. Your fault for doing it when you knows going to be fixed. And you and other knows it's a bug.

#50989 Patch 11/07/2015 Bug Fixes & Adjustments

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 19 July 2015 - 08:48 AM in Update Archive

So ap hunter can be exchanged but cleric can't when they can't be used also? How's that a difference when it wasn't even announced ?

#50664 Patch 11/07/2015 Bug Fixes & Adjustments

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 12 July 2015 - 10:23 PM in Update Archive

View PostKyros, on 11 July 2015 - 10:40 PM, said:

Correct, yellow pills still have to be added on the droplist, we can also add extra potions in vendings that give more stamina.

I can offer those hunters who have dual swords to exchange it for a bow of your choice from item mall.
Your old weapon will be disassambled and the new bow will be added to your account, also your gem from the dual weapons will be removed by us so if it breaks yours will be replaced.
And you will get a one time stat reset.

Those who wish to replace their dual weapons for a bow can contact me by sending a private message or else trough the ticket system.
Your private message/ticket has to contain the following information.
- User name
- Name the bow you want from Item Mall

Reminder this is meant for the hunters with dual swords only, if you don't have a dual sword on your hunter then this rule does not apply for you.
Like everyone said, you done it you cant turn back and know and pretend you didnt know its going to be fixed.

If you want to change it to raider, delete xevor and make a new xevor with the class "Raider" your choice changing it to hunter. Kyros said his ONLY changing the weapon for you, if you can see where it says "Ill make you a raider also" Please show us.

#50839 Patch 11/07/2015 Bug Fixes & Adjustments

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 15 July 2015 - 08:14 PM in Update Archive

Wait why 500dp? Hunter coupon only cost 400DP and Xover you made the hunter like few months past its price went to 400DP

#55577 item appraisal

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 25 March 2016 - 02:10 PM in Game Client & In-game Bugs

Yea it's a problem but don't need to be so freaken dramatic about it.

There are other problem as well well and it isn't fixed, and yes it's annoying.

#54629 iRoseph Online has stopped working.

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 28 October 2015 - 09:01 AM in Technical Support

View PostJeff7, on 25 October 2015 - 12:21 PM, said:

Hi, iroseph wont open on my windows 7 PC. It will download the patch but won't start the game. the error is 'iroseph online has stopped working. I already tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Disabled firewall and antivirus, restarted the PC but still dont have any success of playing the game. please help.

Please see attachments for screenshots.

Have you downloaded and install microsoft c++ redistributable? Most cases its that.

#52858 help w/ cleric and artisan

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 10 September 2015 - 05:35 PM in Newbie Tips

I can easily Boost you.

#53075 help w/ cleric and artisan

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 12 September 2015 - 12:22 AM in Newbie Tips

Oh i can boost you easy i have 4 shamans which are lvling types which can lvl you up easy.

#54577 Help Gem for Knight.....War type

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 23 October 2015 - 07:20 PM in Newbie Tips

Or if you want to be a semi war and int type just get TANZANITE LOL

#54996 GS Stats

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 02 December 2015 - 01:00 PM in Item Guide

More smart if you create your own rather then ask people their build.

#55079 Great build for an ap/hr cleric

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 17 December 2015 - 06:30 PM in Newbie Tips

I was listing the build of exos :D. oG builds are higher scaled then your cry baby builds :D!

#55084 Great build for an ap/hr cleric

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 17 December 2015 - 11:26 PM in Newbie Tips

Dude Please Aux8, you say original? LOL EXO never created iRose. Or any builds for that matter. oG players discovered mostly all dr types, Dr fencers, Dr Clerics. They are the one who discovered the switching of killing. Are you jealous we're better then you in DR fencers? Or DR anything? Cry Me An Ocean, Cant find your own build, pretty stupid :D

#55081 Great build for an ap/hr cleric

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 17 December 2015 - 06:35 PM in Newbie Tips

Nope if you're blind i stated its the exo build which i listed :) You need x300 glasses to be able to read properly? :)

#55077 Great build for an ap/hr cleric

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 17 December 2015 - 06:27 PM in Newbie Tips

Str = Go cry
Dex = Go Cry
Int = Go Cry
Con = Go Cry
Cha = Go Cry
Sen = Go Cry
Go find your own build Cry Baby :)!

#55087 Great build for an ap/hr cleric

Posted by BETTLEMAN on 17 December 2015 - 11:35 PM in Newbie Tips

LOL Exo discovered? Sorry kid, you werent here when oG were playing :) You dont now who created because i do :D. Exo are just trash buggers and cheaters. :D

We dont need GA to win rofl.....!!