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#63661 Invasion Patch 11/16/18

Posted by iRosePHOnline on 16 November 2018 - 06:53 PM in Updates

November “Invasion” Patch notes

Starting this weekend, the traditional “invasion” of monsters on junon will be activated for 3 rounds. It could be around 8pm or after Crystal defenders.
Anniversary sale is turned off.
New Item mall sets and weapons are now available.

Sets (Item Mall)

Steam Punk Red Set
Steam Punk Blue Set
Steam Punk Green Set
Steam Punk Yellow Set


Shibuya Onehand
Shibuya Hammer
Shibuya 2H Sword
Shibuya Axe
Shibuya Spear
Shibuya Bowgun
Shibuya Bow
Shibuya Katar
Shibuya Dual Sword
Shibuya Gun
Shibuya Cannon
Shibuya Staff
Shibuya Rod

New Craftable Items
Available on the npc on Mount Sherock, the same one giving you the zombie and werewolf sets.
Skeleton Set
Werewolf Head
Zombie Bag Head

Invasion Mobs Costume Sets

Creepy Jester Yellow Set
Creepy Jester Red Set
Creepy Jester Purple Set

Invasion Big Boss Costume Sets
Kaguya Red Set
Kaguya Blue Set
Kaguya Black Set

Treasure Hunt Sets

Pumpkin Witch Yellow Set
Pumpkin Witch Red Set
Pumpkin Witch Purple Set

Halloween Mansion Quest

Added Cute Cat Costume set on the npc inside the old halloween mansion.
Collect 900 candy bags to get the set item box.

#63683 Patch Fix

Posted by iRosePHOnline on 21 November 2018 - 01:20 PM in Updates

Patch fix for the mansion bug will be applied later today along with those who got their quests bugged. Wait for my announcement in-game.

#63301 PATCH 09/13/18 - Post Anniversary Patch

Posted by iRosePHOnline on 13 September 2018 - 10:21 PM in Updates

Dear players,

As you all know, i just returned to the game a couple of weeks ago. I was planning to return on time for the anniversary but my schedule did'nt work out. I will write down everything about this "rush patch". and if you find anything unusual from the game or game bugs, please report to me asap thru the ticket system so we can include those things for the next patch or fix patch.

Added Panda Shoes to craft list.

Removed Valentine Rewards for On-Demand arena games.
Removed Bunny Shoes from the craft list.

Fixed an issue with not being able to leave the clan house when using the clan teleport skill.
Fixed Expunger item type name.
Fixed weight on several Item Mall items.
Fixed name of Mercenary Gloves.
Fixed Royal Guardian, Sun Prophet, Jackal Bandit and Serpent Trade Gloves second stat.
Fixed Righteous Crusader Mantles, now they require the RC union.
Fixed Japanese Hairpiece hair style.
Fixed the delivery quest for Junon Order, Gortheim now starts the quests when it is being shouted.
Gortheim>"Welcome Kay, one of our devotees, seems somewhat dissatisfied with us.
Because he is so far away, we have'nt been able to take care of him as much as we'd like. and naturally feels neglected. Would you please deliver this new Junon Scripture to Kay in the Forest of Wisdom for me?"

Change the teleport function in Clan House, you can now teleport freely without any fee to any planet when you are inside the clan house.
Changed Luna Training Grounds PVP style to Party vs Party
Changed Luna Training Grounds teleport location back to Magic City of the Eucar, it now teleports you on top near Olleck.
Changed Heliopolis teleport location back to City of Junon Polis, it now also teleport you onto the boat.
Changed requirement for White Rose Spear to Strength.
Changed the second stat for Royal Guardian, Sun Prophet, Jackal Bandit and Serpant Trader Back items to hitting rate. If you bought this item, you may create a ticket in the ticket system for a refund.

Adjusted and added maps for farming so everyone can farm on any map at anytime without lining up because of lack of resources. Relocations for spots that spawns behind walls/mountains also done.

Wings (IM)
Gray Skullhead Wings of Dexterity
Devil Hand Wings
Devil Heart Wings
Blue Eclipse Cape
Angelic Demon Wing
Sleeping Cloud Cape

Wings (craft)
Yellow Monarch Wings
Blue Monarch Wings
Green Monarch Wings
Red Monarch Wings

Set Items
Blue Eclipse Set
Star Seeker Set
Angelic Demon Set
Spooky Scarecrow Set

Big Boss Event Costume Sets
Rock Your Body Set
School of Rock Set
Cute Eater Set

Zant - changed from plants to trees
DOD - changed from mixed spawns to rocks
Goblin Cave B1 B2 B3 - relocated spots where rocks spawn behind walls.

Mount Eruca - Added rock spawns
Arumic Valley - now has pure rocks
Crystal Snowfields - now has pure plants
Freezing Plateau - now has pure trees
Luna Clan Field B1 B2 - relocated spots where rock spawns behind walls.

Eldeon Clan Field - now has pure plants
Forest of Wandering - now has pure trees. Added some spots too.
Sikuku Underground Prison - relocated spots where rock spawns behind walls.
Sikuku Ruins - changed to pure plants

Heliopolis - changed to pure plants. Not sure if i added spots.
Paradise of RA - changed to pure trees
Oro Clan Field - changed the plant/tree spawns to pure plants. Relocated spots where rock spawns behind walls/mountains
GEB Desert - changed to pure plants
Oblivion Temple 1(non-pk) - added rocks

Currently working on some new boosters and medals. Once it's all good we will put it in the game.
I think that's all for now. Watch out for announcements regarding the events in-game and on our fb page.
A surprise might come out. :)

#63757 Server Update 2019

Posted by iRosePHOnline on 23 January 2019 - 08:09 PM in Announcements

Good day players, well most of you might be disappointed with the patch that should have taken place but out of luck we could'nt make it work as the new server files are having conflicts with the old ones. It will take more time than expected to fully release a new patch for the game. So for the meantime we assigned 3 new staff members to take care of matters both ingame and in the ticket system.

We introduce to you [EM]Rhodes and [EM]Profane, these 2 ems will have authority to make events round the clock and on a daily basis.

The other staff member will be [GM]Flow, he will be in-charge of the ticket system and will guide both Rhodes and Profane if they are having troubles with the events/players. He might also do events whenever both EMs are unavailable.

There were rumors spreading that i'm gonna sell the server, unfortunately it's not an option. :)

Lastly, we're gonna make a poll on whether we will create a 2nd iroseph server. I need cooperation from everyone. We will both post it here and on the fb page. The goal for the 2nd server is simple, new competition and players from other rose online servers can make a fresh start. We will still maintain server 1 but the competition is almost dead here that only long time players can have all the advantages vs new players. In short server 1 reached it's peak already and patches are only short lived. If for example server 2 launches and new clans can dominate there then we will make a poll again on whether to merge the 2 servers. So that clan events will be fun again.

Happy 2019 everyone and let's all hope for the best. :)

#63385 Small Patch Fix 09/28/2018

Posted by iRosePHOnline on 28 September 2018 - 12:41 PM in Updates

As you can see i can only do mini patches for now. But it's a road towards a big patch soon.
So here are the details on this patch.

Adjusted Gem Crafting ingredients

- Changed one requirement of ultimyx gem from topaz to emerald.
- Changed one requirement of the new gems (star quartz/star agate/moonstone/sunstone) to diamond.

Anniversary Costume Prizes

Adjusted costume stats of the monarch sets.

Bit by bit we will try to fix and add something to the game, until then enjoy yourselves.

PS: Sale will end after 30 days when it was activated.

#63297 Server Bug that caused banned accounts

Posted by iRosePHOnline on 13 September 2018 - 09:17 PM in Announcements

We have cleared almost all the banned accounts regarding the server bug. If any accounts were left just make a ticket and i will unban it.

#63468 15 vs 15 EVENT ISSUE

Posted by iRosePHOnline on 16 October 2018 - 04:45 PM in Announcements

Just for everyone's information, a complain on the ticket system was made by one of the participants that got disconnected on the event.

In general, disconnection thru internet problems is an invalid claim for us to agree for game resetting.

But unfortunately on this case, [EM]Cozy did what he was not allowed to do during the event, and that is to disconnect someone during a match.

EMs can kick players who are deemed to be interrupting events but not it's participants.

I'm still deciding what to do with the event as the 2 teams will have different opinions.

Below is the screenshot of the player that got disconnected and panel logs of [EM]Cozy.

Posted Image

Posted Image

#63664 Future changes

Posted by iRosePHOnline on 16 November 2018 - 07:06 PM in Announcements

First and foremost, I will address the issue regarding the Anniversary Event ruined by one of our staff members. Immediately, Cozy was removed after the incident.
The said event will be a NO CONTEST. Since Cozy is also a player and staff member at the same time who participated on the event. It seems to me that having EMs always bring out dissatisfaction to players whoever’s side it may be so we will work on making automated events from now on and just check on the results monthly to award special prizes. This way, there won’t be any issue anymore regarding any event esp. the duel events. For the meantime, the current EMs can still hold their events whenever they are available.
Starting December 1, 2018, I will assign a new gm for iroseph. Someone who does’nt have any affiliation with any of the players as well as a new ticket operator. Also expect a rules revision as most of the new players are having a hard time understanding all the present rules of the game so I will just simplify them into fewer categories. If the new staff members can’t decide on certain matters they will still consult me for a final decision.
Apologies for the halloween patch as there was a problem with my choice of the Big Boss mob so we could’nt release it before halloween.
For the Christmas patch, we already have prepared new weapons which can’t be found on other rose online servers.
That would be all for now.


#63315 Donation/Char transfer delays

Posted by iRosePHOnline on 14 September 2018 - 11:41 PM in Announcements

We apologize for the delays on the processing of your transactions because the email server had some issues. We are currently working on it.