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NonEstMeusFactus's Content

There have been 3 items by NonEstMeusFactus (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#57636 Does buying IM sets ok for a buffer cleric??

Posted by NonEstMeusFactus on 30 October 2016 - 04:09 PM in Newbie Tips

And if you want to participate in wars dex+dodge IM sets with citrines 7 & 9 are highly recommended..

#57194 NPC

Posted by NonEstMeusFactus on 03 October 2016 - 06:08 AM in Game Client & In-game Bugs

Yup Mayor Darren.. go talk to him.. if nothing else shows regarding buying skills try to relog-in... :)

#56992 packet decode error

Posted by NonEstMeusFactus on 21 September 2016 - 01:47 PM in Game Client & In-game Bugs

some players are experiencing this so-called Packet Decode Error.. and we as players cannot manually fix this.. the Admins are already working on this I think so what we can only do is wait and have more patience ^^..