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There have been 2 items by xMarshMellox (Search limited from 09-June 23)

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#63924 Patch 277

Posted by xMarshMellox on 09 June 2020 - 01:28 PM in Updates

Bullshit patch, I have seen your irose post on fb and man, glad I deleted the game. Wtf is this? You think the items Is overpowered but you just started? How about refunding our money for this bullshit nerf then huh? +15? It cost a lot of money, that’s the reason why it had good stats, people complain because they can’t reach it or was lazy to farm. Their fault for not reaching +12 -15. So why pin the blame on people who have the set for people who did nothing? You fucked up the server this time, good job. New GM who think he knows his shit but I bet he asked Tintin and and Jay about this, over powered when he have not even play the game but made his own server that he took a video of an exo player from iRosePH. Great stuff. You don’t know shit about this game but you think you know, items have been overpowered. You don’t know, you fix this that’s not meant to be fixed but you leave the things that’s needed to be fixed as it is. Nice ‘balancing’ for the poor people and corrupt the people who actually plays and pays. Refund our money now since you screwed up.

#63911 Mothers name

Posted by xMarshMellox on 20 May 2020 - 05:54 PM in Technical Support

Ill recover my dick in your moms and wifes pussy.