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#63142 bourgeiois dual gun

Posted by Laude on 04 July 2018 - 02:40 PM in Newbie Tips

Do you know where I can read what is allowed and what is not?
Or do you know if I can reset my skills?

#63139 bourgeiois dual gun

Posted by Laude on 03 July 2018 - 08:32 PM in Newbie Tips

In all the attack increase skills of the bourgeois, at the Vault of the IROSEPH webpage I read this: “Requires: Gun Launcher”

In the books to learn the skills that Darren sells doesnot say nothing about those requires

I´m lvling a bourgeois with dual gun. Could you please say me which of those attack skills may be used with a dual gun not being necesary to use a launcher?

And, by the way, wich of those who may be used with double gun do you recomend to lvl up

I think I will use this bourgeois to farm and help lvling mine cleric.
Thank you very much

Sniping Shot

Aim Point

Poison Fang

Smash Gun

Zuly Storm

Zuly Pink


Employ Hunter

Terror Knight

Land Mine


Bullet Shower

Cannon Smash


Zuly Stun