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There have been 4 items by worldgreatest (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#63120 Really sad tbh

Posted by worldgreatest on 23 June 2018 - 11:59 PM in Technical Support

View PostGuru, on 23 June 2018 - 10:12 PM, said:

its better to quit i guess nothing really new from this server, its already a dead server they will just update when its already anniversary because the profit is high at that time, nothing good here, there are lots of better games out there
Yeah guess so i have 16 "unread" tickets just getting beyond a joke now very near to just completely removing the game off my PC, But i do also like farming a lot but just knowing im being ignored and makes me feel im being laughed at tbh and it makes me not wanna play.
Just so unfair, yes i got scammed by some idiot they took some gems and what not but my account got "temp" ban so they said and after they told me that said i had to wait for Skyro w.e his name is, yet still nothing i on you admins will read this and shame on you, willingly donated to the server on loads of occasions, not just for the sole purpose of the items but also to help the server. It's rather humiliating, that account has many hours graft put into it... well it's 05:00 hrs here i know it won't get sorted but hey they would've made the choice for me to finally rid my pc of rose online for good and move on... many good things still in and about rose online just devs GM's let it all slide shame on you honestly its degrading to me

#63116 Really sad tbh

Posted by worldgreatest on 23 June 2018 - 08:33 PM in Technical Support

Get ignored all month by admins and gms dont answer tickets or nothing, one of my accounts gets temp banned and wont release it, even though ive donated multiple times on there and over £300 spent in the IM on my main char, yet still get treat like a idiot.
By the end of today if my account aint unbanned im quitting and leaving this server after almost 8-9 years of playing, i also played when arua rose was in its first steps, back when ruff rose was on tilt... well i hope for good news today or ima just going to finally give up and move on from this server, would say many thanks but you treat people like their nothing but willing to take money at any chance lol ...

#63103 Skro

Posted by worldgreatest on 15 June 2018 - 08:25 PM in Technical Support

Help me on my ticket please....

#63092 forgot my pin

Posted by worldgreatest on 10 June 2018 - 09:23 PM in Technical Support

i forgot my pin to my old old account im on the email and can log in on the account but dont know what i put for mothers name -_- sent a ticket will GM please reply asap thankyou <3