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#62627 Help, i'm new here.

Posted by Midori on 24 March 2018 - 11:25 PM in Newbie Tips

Hi Guys.

I decided to play coz saw the 4 new classes. I'm currently DL the game. I was wondering if what class you recommend for a newbie like me. I wanted make a Cleric but i think Clerics(i relly love playing as Support) are hard to level coz they really dont have AOE skills (read their skills), now i saw the fencer it has a reflect skill w/c i found the most interesting is it any good?

To be honest i played Rose way way back but never really got to the end game but i really enjoyed Parties, Boss Hunt and others.to cut the story short can you teach me the basics to this server and help me until i get the hang of it.

Thank you very much :)