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There have been 3 items by Urtharo (Search limited from 29-September 23)

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#62522 Black screen display

Posted by Urtharo on 28 February 2018 - 06:38 PM in Technical Support

Just wait for some staffs, or tintin, since this isn't a common prob.
Mind to provide some screenshots? use https://prnt.sc/ or http://imgur.com

Or (aint sure about this) but you can message tintin and send your "error.txt" that's located in your iroseph folder.

#62524 Cactar fighter at Oro clan field

Posted by Urtharo on 28 February 2018 - 10:02 PM in Game Client & In-game Bugs

Cactar Fighters somehow spawns when you killed bunches of Cactars. :)
Just kill Cactars till fighter ones comes out.

#63783 Damascus

Posted by Urtharo on 30 January 2019 - 11:20 AM in Item Guide

Just check the link for the list of general mobs that drops the said item.
* http://www.irosephon...938/#t_material

The easiest (more advance) is to farm Jabberwock Shield (repair & disassemble) from Anubis Shaman located in some part of Paradise of RA (Oro Planet)
* http://www.irosephon...d-6297/#t_craft

Level range: 225-235
You can use bourg for x2 drop.
But the suggested one would be Shaman since there are mobs alongside; just for some mats not to go wasted.
Best spot would be (A)

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