Member Since 02 Jul 2012Offline Last Active Oct 16 2018 11:52 AM
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It's stupid for players to even blame the dc to EM. first of all the EM knows that Jay could have easily trace the logs if they do it. Just like before when exo blame EM for dc but when tintin traces it turns out it was their clanmate madamtoy who dc them LOL. If players got dc on their own circumstances and not because EM did it, then just simply ACCEPT the fact the you lose. Accept defeat gracefully and stop being a sore loser

ROFL If they lose they they will complain. But when they are the one doing the deeds they are very happy. Bunch. Of. Cry. Babies.

Whats up now its proven EM Cozy kicked an Exo player? Wait do you even know who is Cozy? Hahahaha
Oct 16 2018 05:27 PM

Look! iRosePH just got featured on one fb page with 1.3m followers. Also if you vote on extreme top 100 the iRosePH just pass Arua in votings. Hoping that the owner would hire more developers and gm to update this game

Look! iRosePH just got featured on one fb page with 1.3m followers. Also if you vote on extreme top 100 the iose just pass Arua in votings.

Look! iRosePH just got featured on one fb page with 1.3m followers. Also if you vote on extreme top 100 the irose just pass Arua in votings.