Member Since 15 Apr 2012Offline Last Active Apr 28 2017 02:06 AM
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If there is a patch, tintin would announce the server would be down within 5 mins or 10. The whole server should be down but happens the login and world was down but game was up. The server is up btw.
Oct 28 2016 08:56 PM
Does someone experiencing 5-sec delay. My connection is just fine. :|
Sep 22 2016 09:09 PM
How can you resolve this issue? Can you contact support from Globe?
Sep 21 2016 10:19 PM
The sale will last for two weeks from the day it was released. Tomorrow will be the last day I think.
Sep 18 2015 01:50 PM
Sale Carpet/Surfboard Union Carts 4k dp pm zayne0007 or click http://forums.irosephonline.com/index.php?/topic/5911-scarpetsurfboard-4k-dp-rush/page__pid__53398#entry53398
Sep 16 2015 06:23 AM
Rollback that's a big news! What are you gonna do admins? Post a status if this will be your final decision! And please do it fast! Not the "Ticket answering" type of fast. Hopefully do it before the day ends. Thank you! Happy Anniversary :(
Sep 05 2015 07:54 PM