Member Since 15 Apr 2012Offline Last Active Mar 19 2016 02:03 PM
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wtf with that new flame from exo? I'm a duper for zulie? hahaha. wtf. If i am a dupe, then dev tin tin should ban me now. lol. HAHAHAHA. You guys making some nice comments about me and I appreciate it. woooo Rock n roll to the world. hahahahahahaha

I don't need to dupe zulie you know. All my upgrades came from pure hard work. haha. And we all both know who really dupe. :"p
Sep 05 2015 11:43 PM -
exo = dead silence about the issue of cheating the celestial war but keeps on barking and flaming everyone
Sep 06 2015 12:03 AM

I should say that it is fair to have a compensation for the mistake that has been made. Be generous somehow, hear the voices of your people. Check Junon Polis and read the shouts.

I suppose the 50% was a mistake , since you can just dissamble your old item and buy a new one. It aint supposed that way.
Sep 05 2015 07:58 PM -
The fact that more players will play again for me that's not a mistakemistake it will benefit the server and the players at the same time
Sep 05 2015 08:00 PM -

As of now, What keeps running in our heads is that why those people who disrespected a GM are still lying around in game as if nothing happened. We want answers, and I want it from the highest authority.

#stopcyberbullying If we are old enough, then act like it. Maturity comes with words and actions. Its never an option to bully someone because its for your own benefit. If you don't feel any conscience or fear, remember that it will eventually come to you. That word my friend is karma.

I dont know why but these two words keeps running in my mind, "Territorial War".