Patch 277
Started by k101, Jun 09 2020 07:23 AM
6 replies to this topic
Posted 09 June 2020 - 07:23 AM
Patch 277
Bug fixes
- fixed bug where booster wasn't working. you get level 150 char with good package to start the game again.
- fixed tournament bug where it wasn't starting.
- fixed tournament bug where players was stuck on group and could not disband.
- re enabled Empire battleground and made it start everyday at 7:45PM instead of on demand.
- auto buffs in tournaments is working again now.
- Added autobuff to Junon training grounds with lower buffs than cleric onces, you will lose buffs after leaving the map.
- reenabled voting system on website
- removed haloween event.
- iroseph now shows on discord while you playing.
- temporarely disabled junon cartel to get back clans and parties TG / DOD pvp.
- We understood that the prestige stats was huge change in rose online experience , we wanted to add new and unique stats
that didn't exist before in the rose online game, turned that some of the stats were too over powered .
in this patch we are balancing it, all the prestige stats were reduced.
- we also changed the mats needed to refine up to +15 so it will be more accessible for players .
the prestige stats and craft recipes can be improved / changed until it is fully balanced.
Posted 09 June 2020 - 07:59 AM
boring update better make +9 all set and move on to all upgrade set and also cartel map still working rip to all new players
Posted 09 June 2020 - 08:28 AM
bla bla bla boring bla bla bla typical pinoys ref+12 more .
People put time and money to get ups and you think everything will gone because of you ?
Cartel map stil working but he gonna remove it soon , he still think about what he gonna do , just let him time before cry and complain
and "rip to all new players" he made the ups more easly to craft with less mats.
just give time before complain haha
People put time and money to get ups and you think everything will gone because of you ?
Cartel map stil working but he gonna remove it soon , he still think about what he gonna do , just let him time before cry and complain
and "rip to all new players" he made the ups more easly to craft with less mats.
just give time before complain haha
Posted 09 June 2020 - 09:46 AM
Discord link?
Posted 09 June 2020 - 11:31 AM
Update us on our Ticket
Posted 09 June 2020 - 01:28 PM
Bullshit patch, I have seen your irose post on fb and man, glad I deleted the game. Wtf is this? You think the items Is overpowered but you just started? How about refunding our money for this bullshit nerf then huh? +15? It cost a lot of money, that’s the reason why it had good stats, people complain because they can’t reach it or was lazy to farm. Their fault for not reaching +12 -15. So why pin the blame on people who have the set for people who did nothing? You fucked up the server this time, good job. New GM who think he knows his shit but I bet he asked Tintin and and Jay about this, over powered when he have not even play the game but made his own server that he took a video of an exo player from iRosePH. Great stuff. You don’t know shit about this game but you think you know, items have been overpowered. You don’t know, you fix this that’s not meant to be fixed but you leave the things that’s needed to be fixed as it is. Nice ‘balancing’ for the poor people and corrupt the people who actually plays and pays. Refund our money now since you screwed up.
Edited by xMarshMellox, 09 June 2020 - 01:30 PM.
Posted 09 June 2020 - 05:24 PM
Stupid mf...hahahahahhaa!!!!!!! Logic -99
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