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Protecting Your Account Using Account Security

account protection security access account security

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#1 Sedit

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Posted 17 April 2012 - 08:32 AM

I am sad because we are still receiving account hacking problems :(, whereas we have a working account security feature an advanced one. since we cannot control the sharing of accounts we have implemented this system, what i don't get is there are still players who looses their items. this is not even considered hacking, because 98% of the these cases are connected to the players friends, meaning their own friends steals their items. and they are not even a legit so called "hacker". in this topic i will show you how you can utilize the protection system to protect your account even if you are sharing it.

Pros of this system

• Share your account without loosing any item
• Give permission to selected users (whom you really trust)
• Be at peace when some one uses your account

Basic Account Permission

• When a friend ask to borrow your account, and you agree to lend it. have your friend logged-in your account.
• When your friend logged-in your account to his/her computer for the first time, they will receive a message like this

Attached File  no_access.gif   56.76K   368 downloads

• "You don't have access to this location" - meaning their computer is not registered or has no permission on your account.
• Ask your friend to logged out your account.
• Once your friend has logged out the account, Logged it in and enter your "Pin Code" on the manage access box.
• You will be brought to the "Manage Account Security" window

Attached File  manage_access.gif   65.17K   363 downloads

• In this window, you can now select which permission you want to give to your friend.
• For example, your friend just needs to use your account for cleric buffs. just give him/her the "Quest" permission. this permission will let him/her use your account in their location.

* The entry listed in yellow is the location from where you are now logged in.

Understanding Each Permission

• Item (Drop, Sell, Give, Disassemble) - When this permission is ticked or in "Red", the user may do the following actions "Drop Item, Sell Item, Give Item, Disassemble Item".
• Zulie (Drop, Buy, Give, Duel) - When this permission is ticked or in "Red", the user may do the following actions "Drop Zulie, Buy Zulie, Give Zulie, Duel for Zulie".
• Bank - When this permission is ticked or in "Red", the user may do the following action Use / Open Storage.
• Char - When this permission is ticked or in "Red", the user may do the following actions "Create Character", "Delete Character".
• Skill (Learn, Upgrade, Reset) - When this permission is ticked or in "Red", the user may do the following actions "Learn Skill, Upgrade Skill, Reset Skill".
• Clan (Make, Join, Leave, Clan Master Commands) - When this permission is ticked or in "Red", the user may do the following actions "Make Clan, Join Clan, Leave Clan, Clan Master Commands".
• IM (Open, Use, Give, Disassemble) - When this permission is ticked or in "Red", the user may do the following actions "Open Item Mall, Use Item Mall, Give Premium Item, Disassemble Premium Item".
• Quest - When this permission is ticked or in "Red", the user may do the following actions "Abandon Quest", "Take Quest".

Always put in mind, that you are spending your time leveling, farming, donating for your account. you are even spending real money for this. so protect your account at all times. Never give out your "PIN CODE" and "ACCOUNT DETAILS" such as "Email Address, Mother's Name" these are your last line of defense for your account.

I hope everyone will utilize the full potential of this system, because even if we put any account security system into work and every player does not utilize its features everything is useless.


• If you have your account hacked or items stolen, Account trace may take 30 - 60 days of processing.
• If you have your account hacked or items stolen, We can only return all premium items, we cannot return any non-premium item.
• If you have your account hacked and characters deleted, we will not roll it back.

#2 tintin

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Posted 25 April 2012 - 03:56 AM

Very important is:

• Char - When this permission is ticked or in "Red", the user may do the following actions "Create Character", "Delete Character".

• IM (Open, Use, Give, Disassemble) - When this permission is ticked or in "Red", the user may do the following actions "Open Item Mall, Use Item Mall, Give Premium Item, Disassemble Premium Item".

• Never give out your "PIN CODE" and "ACCOUNT DETAILS".

Most of the time when you share account your friend will not need Item Mall or Char powers. Never share the pin code, it is more important than your password. Use a complex number that can not be guessed.

#3 Kyros

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Posted 04 February 2015 - 12:24 AM

We noticed that many account owners do not know how to delete another profile from his or her pincode.
This mostly results to long lists old profiles that are still in the pincode system without or even with pincode acces and mostly the profile name has been removed which only makes it harder to allow acces back to this profile.

Deleting a profile from your pincode

Step 1
Login to your account and enter the pincode system.
As you can see here we got Player 1 (yellow name is your own profile) and Player 2 (white name is some one else his profile).
Attached File  acc security.png   348.81K   57 downloads

Step 2
Double click the profile name you want to delete in this case Player 2 and confirm if you want to delete this profile from your pincode.
Attached File  acc security 2.png   271.56K   42 downloads

Step 3
As you double clicked the profile name it still shows your pincode with the other profile name(s), click Back and enter your pincode again, now you can see the other profile name has been deleted.
Attached File  acc security 3.png   378.54K   54 downloads

Changing a profile name

Step 1
Click on a profile name.
Attached File  acc security.png   348.81K   57 downloads

Step 2
Press Backspace on your keyboard and enter a new name.
Attached File  acc security 4.png   217.56K   30 downloads

Notice: Do not leave this area blank.

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