Premium Orlean Gloves [Slot]-300pts Refined(9) {Int 30}{Atk 40} Level Required: 201
Premium Orlean Shoes [Slot]-300pts Refined(9) {Int 30}{Atk 40} Level Required: 201
Premium orlean Robe [Slot]-300pts Refined(9) {Int 50}{Max HP 575} Level Required: 201
Premium Orlean Bonnet [Slot]-300pts Refined(9) {Int 30}{Atk 40} Level Required: 201
Followers Cape [Slot]-300pts Refined(9) {Int 50}{Hit Rate 80}{Mp Recovery Rate 100} Level Required: 131
Mummy Face [Slot]-300pts Refined(9) {Int 30}{Str 30} Level Required: 131
Ring Of Cleric [Slot]-300pts Refined(9) {Int 50}{Atk 40} Level Required: 131
Necklace Of Cleric [Slot]-300pts Refined(9) {Int 50}{Atk 40} Level Required: 131
Earring Of Cleric [Slot]-300pts Refined(9) {Int 50}{Atk 40} Level Required: 131
Ice Wand [Slot]-300pts Refined(9) {Int 40}{crit 10}{Hit Rate 50} Level Required: 201
Scussir Shield [Slot]-225pts Refined(9) {Int 30}{Str 30} Level Required: 131
Total Cost: 3225pts purchase= $62.00
Total Int Gear (No Gems)- 440 [with Topaz 9] - 1100 <--This is what you get with it all on [DOES NOT INCLUDE MAX STAT ADDED POINTS]
{Max Int- 1350}
Overall Stats added
------------------------------- ------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
- Atk + 240 - - Str + 60 - - Max Hp + 575 -
- Defense + 0 - - Dex + 0 - - Mp Recovery Rate + 100 -
- M-Def + 0 - - Int + 440 - - Hit Rate + 130 -
- Accuracy + 0 - - Con + 0 - -----------------------------------------
- Critical + 10 - - Cha + 0 -
- Dodge + 0 - - Sen + 0 -
- A-Speed + 0 - - ------------------------------
- M-Apeed + 0 -
I hope you enjoyed this helpful and useful Tip ( PLEASE KNOW THERE ARE OTHER WAYS TO MAX OUT YOUR CLERIC CHARACTER)*this is my way of making it look nice and matching well

Please take this seriously I spent 2 hours getting this information set up all nice for you!

Rose addict : BroseCleric / BroseRaider