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Soldier First Job Quest

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#1 Reemen

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Posted 19 April 2012 - 03:29 AM

Quest Requirements:

-Level 10
-Zant Return Scroll

1. Go and talk to [Akram Kingdom Minister] Warren in Canyon City of Zant. (Map Coordinates: 5210,5114)

2. Choose your 1st job.

3. Go and talk to [Righteous Crusafer] Leonard in Canyon City of Zant. (Map Coordinates: 5261,5166)

4. Acquire "HoneyBee Stingers" from "Needle HoneyBee" in "Valley of Luxem Tower". (Map Coordinates: 5171,5412)

5. Go and talk to [Righteous Crusafer] Leonard in Canyon City of Zant. (Map Coordinates: 5261,5166)

6. Acquire "Pumpkin Seeds" from "Elder Pumpkins" in "Valley of Luxem Tower". (Map Coordinates: 5135,5298)

7. Go and talk to [Righteous Crusafer] Leonard in Canyon City of Zant. (Map Coordinates: 5261,5166)

8. Go and talk to [Akram Kingdom Minister] Warren in Canyon City of Zant. (Map Coordinates: 5210,5114)

9. Finish your 1st Job


Talk to these NPC in the following order.

1. [Akram Kingdom Minister] Warren in Canyon City of Zant. (Map Coordinates: 5210,5114)

2. [Righteous Crusafer] Leonard in Canyon City of Zant. (Map Coordinates: 5210,5114)


1. Needle Honeybee - Honeybee Stingers - 10

2. Elder Pumpkin - Pumpkin Seeds - 3

#2 deamon

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Posted 19 April 2012 - 07:43 PM

liked and pinned :lol:

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