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please answer my questions please..i tried asking the comment box on facebook and also the forums but nobody is answering me please help im a newbie

in the download i downloaded the oldV and run it and now i tried to enter the coupon code but it says the code expired
Oct 09 2016 08:12 PM -

im a newbie and also i downloaded the game this day..i played and check the events i saw the booster event..i tried to use the code but it says the code is expired why is that happened when the site didnt posted the event ended

with my bad points donation eleji my gun I want to know if you can return it and choose another weapon

You can dis assemble it from one of npc in jupon, forgot the name, kiroth or something.
It will give you half of the price of the IM disassembled.
You just need to add donation points to buy another weapon.
Oct 05 2016 08:59 AM

with my bad points donation eleji my gun I want to know if you can return it and choose another weapon

pls fix the dual bug from cd akram. annoying when you see some players dual making the game imbalance.