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If I'm not mistaking, every time you bump your ticket, you bump yourself back to being the last ticket in the row. Correct me if I'm wrong here.
Oct 12 2016 08:42 PM -
i always send pm to tintin in his account here in forum. but he didnt reply anything even just read my pm to him. so what is this ? they know my ticket i send always an email to the owner of iRosePH ! so what you think ? they will reply only when i donated because it has a MONEY INCLUDED!!
Oct 12 2016 08:49 PM -

Lucky I used only the 1 hour booster. If it was a 6 hour booster T_T GGWP

Server Down na ba tlga tong irose? :( Sana hindi mag down !! sayang kasi :)

Experiencing this one too everytime i switch from window to full screen or vice versa.
Oct 12 2016 07:02 PM

excited for the halloween patch. i saw from the last event someone ask tintin when will karkia come and tintin said something about halloween :D

tintin ? what now ? its Almost 2 months now ? when did i post a new ticket regarding my account ? what is this ? i donated alot on your Game but u cant even give a FAIR Action ?????!!

what happened to your account?. relax man a lot of players donated a lot in this server too. sometimes ticket takes more than 2 months. but i do wish you good luck on your account problem.
Oct 12 2016 08:21 AM -
and no one reply to my new ticket but tintin told me that i need to post all the information about my account
Oct 12 2016 08:00 PM

Yea An Airport and a Bus Stations, whats the population in that so called forehead? :)
Oct 11 2016 11:37 PM -

5-10% drop rate of dungeon armors that can be applied as costume bonus.

I wasn't recording, I'll check it when I get home because I get around 70-120fps with the witches 3
Oct 11 2016 04:34 PM