Community Status Updates

sir tin, it would be great to post every update on the iRosePH facebook page. :D as facebook is one of the most popular online social media and with more than 12 thousands likes on iRosePH facebook more chances of people seeing it and players sharing it with friends.

tintin reboot after cd :D sometimes cd are not finished until 23:00 3rd crystal

You can harvest some plants, rocks, trees. Or you could do some item hunting in max level places such as Oblivion Temple and Forgotten Monastery. You could also join some other players on dungeon.
Oct 17 2016 11:03 AM

To iRosePH staff, please limit 2 GS each who join CD and Akram. I was a member of Defender and our two clerics gave to heal crystal but it was too slow.. Many GS enemies hit the crystal SUPER bigger damages with poison rate???!! SLOW HEAL and SLOW BUFFS VS FASTER & BIGGER DAMAGES?! Thats not balance!

That's why GS aren't that tanky to last for long time except if they're free hit.
Oct 14 2016 02:20 PM -