Community Status Updates

Vote iRosePH to receive premium points! You can vote once per account and per IP address every 12 hours. Premium Points can be used in the Premium Shop at NPC Barnes in Junon Polis.

Countdown for newyear 2019 it is 20 days, 2 hours, 38 minutes, 4 seconds

GM should patch the christmas patch now and also please make item mall christmas sale until January 1 :)

Vote iRosePH to receive premium points! You can vote once per account and per IP address every 12 hours. Premium Points can be used in the Premium Shop at NPC Barnes in Junon Polis.

is it time to quit? add comment guys. We still don't have an update from GM. The server is slowly dying!

I just check other servers and it's so sad that they have an update every month.
Dec 11 2018 10:45 AM -
Since arabs dont play anymore , no more dp and since we still dont know who used cozy during 15v15 (i think fews peoples know) people wont back . This Server is bias .
Dec 11 2018 07:07 PM -