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maybe updated the donation rate in site. dollar is high now for philippines player and 5+1 is 1740php in paypal or just change $ to php in site thx its already 2017 many ways to donated using virtual credit card :D and some application in phone to donate.many of us dont want to fall in line and they ask for I.D. and not student friendly if you are 17 years old and asking for future improvement for iroseph not just in game. also the way we try to donate the less way possible...

If it is like you said some kind of credit card then you could try to use the paypal donation system and instead when you login with your paypal account you choose Pay with Debit or Credit Card it might work.
Jan 20 2017 01:04 AM -

My brother made a new character, it says on facebook it has free 300 credit but he didn't get 300credit. Please update it on facebook it makes me sad :<

Why cant you host the server in a better OVH server? Your server host is really crap tbh.

I wouldn't think so if you have a stable connection like me, it so weird I get fully disconnected on one client once in awhile LOL.
Jan 18 2017 11:16 AM -
We are in talks with a new host, so if these problems persist we will migrate.
Jan 18 2017 10:29 PM

whats happening its too laggy on junon, my net are good my fps are great but still laging

If it's a bug, why only happens "only" to EXODUS tho? Happened several times already.
Jan 17 2017 09:01 PM -

What will blocking duel in Planets again will make junon polis alive again? And the fact Junon is dead because they are in Karkia Leveling to get max and quest.

Or make TP usabale at junon going to Forbs/Unholyath
Easy access for PK from Junon..^^
Jan 15 2017 11:18 AM -
It doesn't really make a difference bro. The point is valid new players comes to junon and check if the server is good. Like I said bro, it wouldn't really make a difference. We can still pk on cemetery.
Jan 16 2017 01:26 AM -
Yea, i know. I dont mind at all but i wanna know how things will "change" getting us back to junon.
Jan 16 2017 01:00 PM

You actually believed me ahahaa.
It in Paradise Of Ra, or in Heliopolis.
Jan 14 2017 03:40 PM