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To level up, my chars, same clan and enemies. Do not have as up with this bug: /

is the collector bug? Im disappointed... its because it can't hold that Eron The Illusionist away from Doppelgangers anymore. what wrong?.. please fix the collector... Sad lvling :(

Last time (2 weeks ago or a week ago) I can still hold eron with collector when I was leveling my low level at forbs.
Jan 24 2017 11:55 AM -
But, it will make people stay. If you make the gameplay annoying and hard for new players they won't stay for long.
Jan 24 2017 12:57 PM

Can someone make a video of upgrading his equipment to +10? cause i don't really get it how to do it :)

Put your +9 item, get the 3 items required (lowest 3 items, advance enchantment stone(calcite), praseodymium, trihide (w)) then add plutorune (prevent degrade when fail) and venurune (increase % of success) then click UPGRADE.
Jan 23 2017 06:50 PM -

My Cleint is not working -_- and its in Portugese Language i think keep saying "GameUpdate is Required. Run RoseExo to Patch.

Ticket #9630 help me GM ... can you give me a little bit consider ....... BE THE SAME GM FOR YOUR'E PLAYER GM ........................

@cloud thank you for buying harvest mats with high prices, you are really helping us :D