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is it possible to join the strongest clan ''exodus'' if im just a newbie and not fully donate?

Je ne prends jamais parti. Je me contente d'être du côté de la vérité.

i'm from malaysia and no westenr union to donate. we international player are stock in paying with paypal way more expensive if your currency is not dollar . USD is expensive when you are converting it to our country ringgit. even other country experiencing high dollar not just in our country.

US and European dont care how much is the rate because there rich how about the 3rd world countries were we pay more if we gonna convert our currency to Dollar. even Brazilian player are complaining about high dollar. bring back western union better option maybe.
Jan 28 2017 08:20 AM -
US players doesnt care about the rate because its lower than ours you mean.
Jan 28 2017 12:58 PM

Why is it pk if same clan is in cemetery? bug? Same clan must be NON pk we need lvling together. -_-

Please return the old sikuku prison where mobs are dropping complete parts of level 200-205 set so atleast we have a decent set that we can use to level up

what happen to forum account login? we cant use our account ingame to login forum? when i try to login its incorrect password. please fix it