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how many MB or GB does this game consumes on a daily basis whereas you only play 3-5hrs?

I play'd dota2 n' perfect consumes 400mb 2-3hrs of playing, its just that my data meter expired I cant figure how many data bits this game consumes :/
Feb 22 2017 10:04 AM -
It depends on what you do. In very busy areas it can be 5-10 MB per hour, in quiet areas it can be less than 1 MB
Feb 22 2017 04:55 PM

i mean, if you got stunned there should be a timer not just the time of the stun duration
Feb 16 2017 07:36 AM -
Few seconds are easy to count. Timer isn't really necessary. Plus you can see the time hovering the mouse to the debuff icon in upper left screen.
Feb 16 2017 12:23 PM

It's not even worth it, it doesn't count how many seconds you have left.
Feb 14 2017 07:25 PM -
Somehow it's helpful with Stunna upgraded users. You'll be able to see if you should start doing the combo or not.
Feb 16 2017 12:23 PM