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can someone help me? im trying to donate 500php using dragonPay thingy on the website....and i choose to pay through SM department long should i wait for my DPs and what to do after i pay? i dont see any instruction about it here on forum :l pls reply asap so i can pay later~

Yes this is a legit method. If you don't get your points after 10 minutes you can send a private message
Mar 24 2017 04:17 PM -
online transaction is more convenient here omg thanks for the reply....manual remittance here in my place takes hours just for lining up going to donate now~ thanks tintin
Mar 24 2017 04:28 PM

How can i open my old account .. i Already Forgot my pin code .. Help Me Ma'am TINTIN

I cant play iroseph because of it said Run RoseOnline.exe to patch. :( please help me

There is a bug that you can not use the dp please fix that immediately