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Duel shouldn't have Cleric/Autobuffs buffs or non self buffs. That's why it's called "Duel". Or at least add a separate option to duel with self buffs only.

I don't think we need that since 95% duel in iroseph is full buffed. And honestly selfbuff PvP is much more imbalance than full buffed PvP in iroseph.
Apr 22 2017 06:18 PM -
Self buff PvP = Cleric/Champ Gaming. Cleric full buff, champ full hr + poison. Full buffed PvP = balance.
Apr 22 2017 06:22 PM -
So tell us how to have an upper hand using our cleric versus other class at full buffs.
Apr 24 2017 06:33 PM

A separate 24/7 Deathmatch Arena with pointing system for every kills along with rules/restrictions to avoid abuse/teaming abuse. NO Cleric/auto buffs buffs allowed, buffs are taken off when you enter. Should be accessible from any planet. Optional: Berserk mode if reached certain kill streaks (grants damage and speed bonus but drains your HP and potion won't work until you die or make it non-lethal(stops at 1% HP) but each kill restores a portion of HP during berserk).

The free points are already included in the package. It's cheaper to donate a lot in one time instead of several smaller donations because of the package points
Apr 22 2017 03:21 AM

Kung bibili po ako ng Donation Points using Smart Money. Anong reference number po yung tinutukoy sa Step two? Reference number ko po ba? Thank you.

maybe it will remain but the paint will not be visible bcs the paint attaches on the item glow
Apr 21 2017 04:15 PM -

I wish they will add some mounts in Union Shop in the future thats great! :)

Can you increase their sizes? They look like babies compared to the Ikaness Mech mount in size esp. lich king and moss golem mounts. The mantaris and bebeg are ok on their sizes though. :D
Apr 19 2017 10:07 AM -
Make union points transferrable through adding Union Storage, you can only get Union Points in storage through same union faction character. Not all players have the mood the use only 1 character every CD/Akram
Apr 19 2017 10:10 AM -
Make the union sharable because we dont stick to one charac each run and it can only be shared if they are in the same union. Because it will be a waste of points on this charac and the other also.
Apr 20 2017 07:11 AM

I tried to log in but it says need Game Update. Patched is already done.

3v3 Tournament Dual Clienting Not Allowed? There's no dual client in our team. This is shit..................