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nc idea and question hahaha but idk what jay wait Something look weirdo
Mar 30 2019 08:17 PM -

I would know if camel are in codezero (aka 2nd jay server) , codezero will be dead since monkeys from exodus cant beat camels hhhhh . Sad Jay and his monkeys . Humans with humans , monkeys with monkeys

server dead but they still accepting donation? what is this. only less than 10 player active daily

got a feeling that CodeZero and iroseph has the same owner. what you think guys ?

I'm surprised we still didnt get any announcement lol. It seems iRose Code Zero is a TOP HIT atm.

yes was log xD Codezero is like all new server who open good for 1 month then the other month ded u got 2-3 big server before iroseph/arua/na . Na is dead , iroseph soon and arua still alive. And btw its funny how exodus member want to make people come in codezero but why crying to change server when u said that server is "still alive"
Mar 08 2019 11:43 PM -

Guys i am inviting you to play IROSE CODE ZERO newly opened server and the server itself is fcking good gm is always active here's the link below

leave this fucking stupid game with shitty gm and developer and come join us instead. Sure active GM's and EVENTS
Mar 02 2019 09:47 AM -
and close after 2-3months or by atk from iroseph / arua or bcs its a shit server
Mar 02 2019 11:41 PM

why is it so hard to hire a Well Paid developer yet this server is profiting?

Thank you for playing IROSEPH Online, everyone! We've had a blast bringing you this great game, and we thank you all deeply for the support you've given us over the years. ❤️ bye IROSEPH Advance na natin.

gmflow logged ? ahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahha its not april 1st :'''')

but this server is still "alive" ofc since 6 guys of the same clan put 3 shops 3*6 = 18 shops :'''')
Feb 12 2019 11:10 PM -

and guess what, “[GM]Flow will now attend tickets” the ticket count still the same. Dead fucks.
Feb 10 2019 12:57 PM -