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why cant i login it says server maintenance but the server is online

Reset router, turn off virus scan, and hope it's not a problem with your internet provider
Aug 21 2017 04:12 PM -
had a good net connection, but everytime I login to Irose client, same issue server maintenance and been going on for days.. it's on and off. :(
Aug 22 2017 11:09 AM

This char Noob16, i mean Head16 spams unli shout at Junon. We're dead guys hahaha!

tintin kindly check junon this player name Head16 was spamming everywhere in junon and i got dc and cant log in anymore

how i wish we can only use 2 accounts on the bigboss event cus its so freaking laggy many people in one area

welcome back tintin :D any special prizes for the big boss tomorrow? XD
Aug 18 2017 08:14 PM