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regarding tournament disconnections... i am confused. if it was "accident" for betting then why is GM Shark also included? and with lightshinyarmor 3x /out he didn't notice it? :O

There's no such thing as accident that happens three (3) times. And betting for a GM? I hope i can bet on GM Shark too :3
Aug 25 2017 06:20 AM -
Who cares tbh I got D.C. And it really didn't bother me I was just wondering who it was. If it was my connection or the server instant D.C. If tintin decided not to take any action, so be it. Yeah madamtoy used the command to kick them out but you will be doing the same if tintin upgraded your account as EM. The event is done and finished with. It was counted as a draw even the score showed it all. He learnt his lessen and thats all we gotta know.
Aug 25 2017 06:51 AM -

ppl can i i need high int for a 'stunna' to activate? how many seconds those stunna have?

Stunna doesn't depends on your int it depends on how much is the rate of your prestige
Aug 24 2017 04:31 PM -

Betting Booths for Mayweather vs McGregor's fight on 26th of August 2017. Please.

Again with Junon Server Disconnect does that bastard Head16 Start Spamming Again