Community Status Updates

GG for those fake pvps = "band" , I wish you'll have a great vocalist, drummer, etc. in your team :>

The website isn't updated anymore after the server host went down.

really sucks what they did on akram/cd. Def always have more clerics than the attacker + auto healing crystal

GM why icant log in? i have a good internet. i cant connect in server

Please limit the offline vendors from 3 to 2 per computer to give chance to other players. most of the vendor shops using 3 client for offline vend are not event full and have a 10 to 15 slots vacant each shop :/ if you limit it by 2 they will be force to merge some of their vends into 1 or 2 shops instead of 3. vending at Eldeon is not also a good option. it's like comparing selling a product in a city vs remote province :D

and now, I can't vend even 1 offline char... what's happening?... :(
Sep 05 2017 07:53 AM -

why arena results on our website are not updated? last record was from cw last week.

refund boosters for farming. to unfair ! no warning or inform then got dc b the server. REFUND

Since today morning i am also having the same issue i get dc whn i try to reconnect it says server offline take about 5 mins then okay again, i can open any website rest all normal but cant login game and cannot open iroseph website.
Sep 02 2017 09:05 PM -
The server really needs a stabiliser or a personal VPN which cuts the packet transfer in half
Sep 06 2017 11:36 AM