Community Status Updates

I can"t log in it says" All servers are being inspected" Is it maintenace?

is there a problem w/ the website again? i kept on trying to vote for the server and have tried it 9 times already but my vote doesn't count and no premium points added. all was fine yesterday and the day before that.

Can't vote either. Looks like it doesn't accept the vote or whatever. Could be on their end, not ours.
Oct 04 2017 06:22 PM -
i had same problem too.. i vote twice a day but credit points is not added to my account.. so i stop voting
Oct 04 2017 08:24 PM

2nd job change bug? I am level 75 and I have 12million zulies and I can't get the quest from Darren

same happens right now on moon B2 many players using bots and leave their afk accounts, clan name: BoxerGang / players name: SevenofNine cleric, TubyCandyHoarder shaman.
Oct 02 2017 06:35 AM -

I get dc whenever i put bounty to a player inside cartel, please fix ty :D