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Is there a need to file ticket on the date of rollback or it will automatically insert Dp for the acct that has been log in on that time?

but i did not file ticket sir coz i dont know that they will compensate log in char on that timep I just read tintin message on indame message last night that he will give 150DP on every acct that is log in. What will i do?
Oct 27 2017 03:02 PM -
So even if i didn't file ticket will i be able to get the DP compensation?
Oct 27 2017 05:55 PM

Is there a need to file ticket on the date of rollback or it will automatically insert Dp for the acct that has been log in on that time?

All servers are currently offline. Please check our facebook WTF is the server down? I dont have issues with my internet

Please wait for sir tintin to input the 150dp on the accounts who experienced the rollback. Let's give him time as this will be done manually. Thank you! :)

just make 1 ticket about the rollback and wait for it. they have the logs as a copy to refund it. and stop spamming tickets cause you will just delay them on working on the refunds. :)

pls recover my lost rocks from rollback. i already filed ticket 2 days ago. need to craft ASAP. thanks

No patch now, only fix for the storage problem. Halloween items will be patch this week
Oct 24 2017 08:45 PM -