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Silhouette's Photo
Silhouette's Photo
Silhouette's Photo


i am not doing the math yet, but for simplicity's sake, does anyone know which stat gives more AP for AP raiders, str or dex?
Mar 21 2014 07:17 PM
  • Gresh's Photo
    Dual swords should get more ap from dex since hawker job is based on dex and not on str.
    Mar 22 2014 06:59 AM
  • Silhouette's Photo
    the formula the dev commented has a lapse, it has 1 extra parenthesis, which makes the calculation inaccurate O.O either way, if my understanding of the formula is correct, str gives more AP to duals compared to dex
    Mar 23 2014 03:03 AM
  • Cloud's Photo
    str give more ap than dex when higher weapon ap , but for gem , still 50dex/50str give more ap(163.46ap) than others...

    Mar 23 2014 04:16 PM
Silhouette's Photo


the question is, which items should I upgrade? got lots of ideas but the process would sure cost a lot XD
Mar 12 2014 01:36 AM
  • Empo92's Photo
    Wings and mask are the easiest to upgrade. Weapon would be stupid cuz if you look further, and if things will follow the same pattern it will prolly occur better weapons with higher ap in the future.
    Mar 12 2014 02:08 PM
  • Silhouette's Photo
    nice insights, empo. thanks for the tip!
    Mar 12 2014 04:02 PM
  • Cloud's Photo
    same things as set honestly , the dr set u was refining is not the best dr set now
    Mar 12 2014 07:36 PM
Silhouette's Photo


I hate it when people cry "asa sa cleric" (you depend too much on your cleric) I mean, there are different roles for different classes. Before you go into war, you should have a good mix of killers and supporters. Now, every time the opponent loses they'll cry "dami cleric" (too many clerics) come on dudes, having wars with clerics is a smart move, having none is plain stupidity.
Mar 04 2014 11:41 AM
  • Reliable's Photo
    Thats why I've done statreset and bought full DR for mah cleric :>
    Mar 04 2014 04:26 PM
  • JekJek's Photo
    I love clerics :D
    Mar 05 2014 12:41 AM
  • Truebuffszz's Photo
    Jamesbond look at yourself first than talk :P, yeah plain stupid Hahahaha it just proves the fact they need to hide in front of someone rather show how strong they are. I never had a cleric with me I never ask for pt lol they ask me to join LOL having a cleric just proves you need protection rather showing your full strength!
    Mar 05 2014 05:36 AM
Silhouette's Photo


since I can't tweet/fb stat about this publicly, I'll do it here. I guess I've decoded how women think; still at 100% success rate with regards to "women pursuits" mehehe
Feb 26 2014 12:08 AM
  • Cloud's Photo
    I've decoded how men think~~~fuck , fuck , and more fuck! LOL
    Feb 26 2014 12:29 AM
  • Silhouette's Photo
    ^well, that's right :)))
    Feb 26 2014 12:35 AM
  • Truebuffszz's Photo
    And that's is what mans think Hahahaha, and woman gets whatever they want!
    Feb 26 2014 04:52 AM
Silhouette's Photo


I have a strong feeling that the raider nerf is brought upon by the immense power of exo raiders. LOOOOL guess what? our creativity in making builds would overcome this another nerf. :>
Feb 22 2014 02:46 PM
  • Truebuffszz's Photo
    lol creative yeah right haha
    Feb 23 2014 07:38 AM
Silhouette's Photo


is the attack speed calculation for duals also changed? my AS got lower
Feb 22 2014 02:09 PM
  • NightFall's Photo
    The thing is..raiders will never find peace in this game.. every patch we get nerfed...or changed... FFS
    Feb 22 2014 02:13 PM
  • Silhouette's Photo
    no ranting for me or whatsoever but I guess where back at the stage where AP raiders have around 4.4k-4.8k AP, so the katars would be best used again. (i suppose)
    Feb 22 2014 02:29 PM
Silhouette's Photo


New timeslots for the events is a wonderful idea. However, I don't feel strongly about having an event at around 12nn (PH time). It is disadvantageous to others as well. (1am, 5am, 8am respectively for other countries) Yes, we all love this game but I guess we don't want IRosePH for breakfast/lunch. :))
Feb 21 2014 08:07 PM
  • Sephyroth's Photo
    Its not about ph people this time :) , i like the new schedule
    Feb 21 2014 09:16 PM
Silhouette's Photo


When the moon shines, from the heavens above, life will be sweet, so green, and so young. I open my mind as I lie on the floor, join me as we both live in ecstasy.
Feb 12 2014 02:26 PM
Silhouette's Photo
  • Silhouette's Photo
    the server fluctuates O.O got dc-ed again
    Feb 12 2014 02:04 AM
  • Gresh's Photo
    maybe it is your internet connection

    Feb 12 2014 02:13 AM
  • Silhouette's Photo
    nah, kyros said he restarted the server again to fix missing skills. server's stable now
    Feb 12 2014 03:10 AM
Silhouette's Photo


how many clans did it take to deny EXO this week's CW? 3 :)
Feb 09 2014 11:17 PM
  • JamesBond007's Photo
    zeedong is monitoring this forum for some reason i know. "How ppl will going to react for what happened on cw because APC and YGOB are really desperate to take down EXODUS" TROLOLOL
    Feb 10 2014 11:20 AM
  • Silhouette's Photo
    @sephy why? is this post ranting? am I crying? no, just stating facts. we know how to live with losses, 'cause as a song goes, "even the best fall down sometimes."
    Feb 10 2014 03:56 PM
  • WhyDontYouShadUp's Photo
    Hahaa and Zeedong is an APC. They're so desperate real bad haha it's ridiculously funny :P. They won't achieve the goal they set as much as they try, they're a total loser :).
    Feb 10 2014 06:09 PM
Silhouette's Photo


you can argue with me but you will never ever find a loophole in my grammar. so don't go to that side of the fence, you'll just humiliate yourself
Feb 04 2014 03:40 AM
Silhouette's Photo


you will get to have a taste of your own medicine
Feb 01 2014 03:44 PM
Silhouette's Photo


should I be proud that people here mistake me as the strongest raider in game? hahaha
Locked Status Jan 27 2014 08:16 PM
  • Truebuffszz's Photo
    He did hahaha it's ridiculously funny XD
    Jan 28 2014 07:08 AM
  • Silhouette's Photo
    Believe the things you want to believe runner zesk :)) I really find it funny; the more you insist, thr more idiot you become in my eyes :)
    Jan 28 2014 11:07 AM
  • WhyDontYouShadUp's Photo
    Haha his already an idiot, because most of the thread i see is ridiculous. And james i read you and zesk stupid fights? And why da F are you joining him now? Kissing ass now?
    Jan 28 2014 11:11 AM