Community Status Updates

server down? server disconnect... maybe they are removing the holiday patch...

maybe, it's a patch to remove the sale & event coz it's jan.6 already.
Jan 06 2018 02:55 PM -

We're all excited. Let's all wait for the anniversary patch to finish :)

hahaha! wolf sets.. I can imagine it now.. maybe the wolf set from Halloween but with diff. colors. XD
Aug 25 2016 10:49 PM -

server is up, but there's no treasure event announcement yet. it's been more than an hour.

@untoldthoughts hahaha.. now my hope lvl is minus 1... anyone here who still have positive hopes for halloween patch? hahaha
Nov 12 2015 06:03 PM

what happened to my vendor? account has been blocked for 6days+.. it's my vendor eversince. haven't done anything except vend! why banned? can we atleast pls. have some explanation about this?

Any upcoming event this anniversary? Advance happy anniversary iroseph :)

Lol who's gonna donate for this patch funny to see people if they do so.
Aug 15 2015 09:37 PM

Let's all have patience about the new patch and fixing bug issues. Bear in mind, that admins are trying all their best to accommodate all our concerns.

On top of all of that TinTin needs to pick an Event Manager to the server, so thank you for waiting patiently :)
Apr 12 2015 07:08 PM -

error: MSVCR120.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem..