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We will do the marriage manually until the bug has been fixed. Please make a ticket.
Dec 29 2014 04:45 AM -
I did already, as soon as I saw [GM]Kyros his reply :). Thanks for your reply
Dec 29 2014 05:13 AM
Haven't played iRose in 2 weeks now.. Whats going on with me, my social life is taking over :/
Apr 07 2014 09:07 PM
What do you need to ask Ryan rather than sephy not asking just guiding to a introduction site.
Apr 11 2014 11:13 PM
That sounds so wrong in so many levels.. But I get it! Haha.. Im playing on EU server tho, not in NA :/
Mar 27 2014 09:26 PM
It's too bad only 30% of this server is 'active' on forums.. If we can lure more people to these forums I think that's going to be a huge improvement! More suggestions, show-offs and a closer community :)
Mar 19 2014 09:55 PM
nice idea ^_^ but the others players don't know to you use forum ^_^
Mar 19 2014 10:06 PM
My video is done! Currently uploading to YouTube =).
Mar 15 2014 03:46 AM
I could see that you are using Sony Vegas. Small tip: Try to use Adobe After Effects... You'll have more productive environment and better tools to work within as well :D
Mar 11 2014 09:04 AM -
Haha I might try that! Its just that im used to Sony Vegas.. But it wont stop making corrupted files when I try to render it.. Soooo annoying and alot of extra work :S
Mar 11 2014 04:22 PM -
Yeah, this is the bad thing on using Sony Vegas. Try to use After Effects, then when its ready to render, use a format without compression to export.
After that you should use a third part encoder to compress the whole video cause if u do it directly into these programs they will only give you a lot of glitches and unexpected weird results at the finish of your hard work hehe.
Mar 11 2014 09:38 PM
I will record next CW and edit it to show youtube how awesome CW is! :D. Didnt have time yet to get everything ready before CW
Mar 02 2014 08:42 PM
University is consuming too much of my time.. I'll be more active on forums then in-game =C
Feb 26 2014 06:16 PM
3rd day of my internship, allready 24/7 active on these forums! Something went wrong here ._.
Feb 19 2014 04:49 PM