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im not azimuth :) but any job ill fight lets use this duel system so no scam for sure
Aug 23 2013 06:35 AM

Azimuth spam post so you become a irosePH FORUM WARRIOR. hahaha. Your So Storng in The Forum. your a genius wana be. in in-game ? let bet sometimes any job if you want :D
Aug 22 2013 11:02 AM -
You're weak RealTalk, the names even says, you can only talk, not fight :P ~True.
Aug 22 2013 11:09 PM

I wouldn't say dead..we still have pretty lively wars in tg from time to time.. though I agree it's a bit inconvenient how they're gone at the moment..If the server does die and go inactive..i'll be one of the last players walking through junon and reminiscing hehe
Aug 14 2013 04:58 PM

Please make some post for the upcoming PARTCH, for the Players waiting for it to happen. :)