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wahahha oh yeah u so love your signiture? try to put [GM]Ody's profile picture with your siggie... really fits.
Jul 03 2013 10:31 PM -

EXODUS> This Event Manager, Game Master is ysal...YourSuchALoser> This Event Manager, Game Master is exo....The results will be no active staff members since all staff members are unfair, is this what you want? Wake UP!

Here what happened last Event.. Round Number 3. Event3.. the question was to compute something .. water Bottle L and a set of orange juice and White bow if I'm not mistaken . Then it started.. Event3 .. maybe 5 secs passed I think of a way to check if there is a player inside the room already. by entering any PW.. in the Chat room. then i tried "asdasa" the system reply "Chat room is FULL" . so it means 5 secs there is a player already inside done computing ? how come ? :)...
Jul 02 2013 08:48 PM -
LOL. Let me tell you this. Regardless of my inactivity I would state that this server is crowded with to many retards to actually get things run smooth. This quote reminds me of when OutCastGamers got accused for using programs when we mopped the entire server.
Jul 02 2013 09:25 PM -
Same thing as you said this person knew the answer after 5 seconds?
Also that turned out being 2 minutes.
Jul 02 2013 10:03 PM

Noobz lol --->> we should have a super bowl!

Hacking, Trashtalking.....Muting, Banning...and on the end I'm the bad guy...