Community Status Updates

The person who started knows it him self, I'm just here to stop it before it goes worse =)
Aug 26 2013 08:23 AM -
as always there is a GM who acts as an ARBITER to settle a dispute. case closed.
You really rock (",)
Aug 26 2013 08:28 AM -
i cant patch there is a message saying :Game update is required.Run RoseOnline.exe to Patch,what should i do?
Aug 26 2013 10:53 AM

Haha everyone is excited and I'm just............ SCREAMINGGGG haha!
Aug 24 2013 09:25 PM -

How to notice a scammer in the ticket system....1 Their status is always member or account is validating.....2 They mostly have 0 posts in the forums.

Every now and then some one is trying to do it, luckly we have lots of logs =D
Aug 23 2013 05:10 AM -

Can i send my fan art too? lol i drew some stick version of [GM]Kyros. :p
Jul 16 2013 01:18 AM -

Server is up again, hopefully we will get soon a feedback what might have caused the crashes.