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Khalil's Photo


why YGOB and their cm makidog 2 face leeches? TranIsGay, KeepItGay, TinsHannahYhuri, YhuriOverCindy and all that other names they changed XD the donation points came from one person to buy all the name change coupon and told them to change in those names in exchange so that they can access the +15 accounts to play. poor slaves. next time they will sell their organs for dp ;(
May 22 2018 12:52 PM
Khalil's Photo


YGOB 2 face backstabbers why ask gm to delete my post then tell lies again in game XD why be ashame? everyone should know how you guys are liers and backstabbers https://www.facebook.com/amir.kareem.58152 also if anyone want to know who use keepitgay and beg wg to kill tran message me
May 14 2018 02:31 PM