Community Status Updates

Can't believe in the next few hours is the anniversary of irose but still no updates hahahahahahaha

Is there anyone who wants to bet if they will launch the new update this august? HAHAHHAHAHAHA

is it possible to join the strongest clan ''exodus'' if im just a newbie and not fully donate?

Please return the old sikuku prison where mobs are dropping complete parts of level 200-205 set so atleast we have a decent set that we can use to level up

Can someone make a video of upgrading his equipment to +10? cause i don't really get it how to do it :)

Put your +9 item, get the 3 items required (lowest 3 items, advance enchantment stone(calcite), praseodymium, trihide (w)) then add plutorune (prevent degrade when fail) and venurune (increase % of success) then click UPGRADE.
Jan 23 2017 06:50 PM -