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zepki08's Photo


It's so funny to see all these things are happening. To all YGOB and PA that likes to kiss ass ya'll dumb as hell. First of all, why EXO TRASHTALKS? We wouldn't just stay quiet why all these OG people looking down on PINOY and calling names. For example, Domestic Helper,Cleaning Toilet,Poor Country, and a lot more. OG are crying bcuz EXO calls them pig, but on the other hand they call us EXODOG. If you don't want to get trashtalked by EXO, then don't talksh1t or don't...
Jul 21 2015 04:06 AM
  • artisan's Photo
    You should check yourself in an institution you are a very disturbed human being. You deserved all these attentions.
    Jul 21 2015 08:10 AM
  • iRey's Photo
    hahahha zesk really hit the nails , it's a realtalk for you JP, Kyros never Trashtalk you in game, or made a harm in you so why you redirecting your statements for being trashtalked ? and besides, you are TT for what attitude you showed to many players in game. you're such an arrogant player, who made this game your world that in such a way, letting others sarcastically receiveved a talksh** from you. YOU DONT HAVE ANY RIGHT TO DO THAT , just to remind you
    Jul 21 2015 09:09 AM
  • Skippy's Photo
    hahaha go jump in a bridge
    Jul 21 2015 09:11 AM