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woj09kirk's Photo


B> Adorable Daredevil Wing
Feb 03 2016 03:43 PM
woj09kirk's Photo


ok:) bye to this server.;) i already lost my patient to wait to fix my ticket.. and they i accusing me that i trade the dp lost on the other people wahahaha.:0 fuck off.. i already donate more than 400$ to this server and i only have 1 transaction problem.. they cant even fix it.:0 wtf? so all my donate item will be given to shaina and blackrose.;) ok change rose server.:0 alega rose online.;) active staff/gm and events.:) 3months for my ticket and im done
Dec 16 2015 03:08 PM
  • BETTLEMAN's Photo
    And if they say your dp WAS transferred to shaina and blackroze, then you did. When they ROLL BACK the server, they ROLLBACK the logs also :)!
    Dec 16 2015 08:51 PM
  • TranTheSmeagol's Photo
    yeah exactly! roll back = the points or credits will be roll back to your account. not unless you traded it and claimed to lost it. lucky they didn't ban your account for making false report :D
    Dec 16 2015 09:25 PM
  • woj09kirk's Photo
    False report lol. I have all the transaction from my paypal and print screen. Anyway i just check my account and u got the 3500dp lost . It takes 2months before they fix everything. And i yea i do trade a lot to blackroze and shaina before they are my friend. I give some item to them and reward for boosting me. Anyway this isue is closed...
    Jan 04 2016 11:30 AM
woj09kirk's Photo


are you serious??? almost 1 week and 1/2 waiting for my ticket? wtf ? no wonder why this server is not in the top 1.. tsk tsk.. my TICKET IS UNDER PROCESSING NOW>> AND WAITING FOR GM TINTIN TO FIX it.. wtf? how long do i need to wait??
Nov 20 2015 05:34 AM
  • BETTLEMAN's Photo
    There are other people waiting and they haven't changed server yet.
    Nov 20 2015 08:08 PM
  • iwillkillyou's Photo
    Do NOT use the amount that you've donated to reason out your IMPATIENCE.... YOU are NOT the only one in queue for a response...
    Nov 20 2015 09:00 PM
  • FEFE's Photo
    But i think he is the only one who lost DP because of a rollback :)
    Nov 20 2015 10:57 PM
woj09kirk's Photo


Ticket #8101 how long do i need to wait? almost a week.. zzz.. well i think i wont donate anymore if this ticket did not fix yet after a week..
Nov 16 2015 03:46 PM
  • BETTLEMAN's Photo
    Dude my friend is waiting for his account or be recovered for7+ months and I guarantee you, it's more then 3500 worth of P2P. So patience !
    Nov 16 2015 05:06 PM
  • iwillkillyou's Photo
    patience dude.. The GMs who are handling the tickets are trying to accommodate all of us..
    Nov 16 2015 06:10 PM
woj09kirk's Photo


ok this is it.. after i donate 250$ and had a problem with my last transaction.. they didn`t even help me to get my dp back.. i saw GM asya online twice already since yesterday.. i have all the ss and proof from my paypal.. im really disappointed...
Nov 14 2015 05:32 AM
  • BETTLEMAN's Photo
    Dude the GM got other ticket to deal with first you're not at top priority because you ain't in first line yet.
    Nov 14 2015 06:32 AM
  • Joy's Photo
    just wait for the admin to check it first. gm asya only handle ticket regarding verbal abuse etc.
    Nov 14 2015 08:28 AM
woj09kirk's Photo


after the server down yesterday... i lost my 55$/3000dp points and 500dp points.;( and lvl 196 down to 177.;(
Nov 13 2015 06:09 AM
  • woj09kirk's Photo
    ok thank you guys.;) i hope they saw my tickey..

    Nov 13 2015 11:23 AM
  • Gresh's Photo
    File a ticket.
    Nov 14 2015 02:51 AM
  • woj09kirk's Photo
    i did..

    Nov 14 2015 05:27 AM