Community Status Updates

the BigBoss included in anniversary patch notes did it appear already? O_O

LOLOLOL funny to see players from this clan who keeps on humiliating and insulting staffs and they expect them to be thrilled and inspire by doing their job like events when all they get from you are mockery and insults. all i'm saying is, they are doing this thing for free so put yourself in their position if you would enjoy doing things for free and getting tons of trash talking in game.

LOLLLLL why exodus always try to cheat? rules said "No repeat winners." JP register Br0kenArr0w which is same account as matilda and he also register UNDAS on his other forum account bumblebet

OG? Idk if you're up to date, but OG hasn't been there for like 3 months now. Beside of that, we all know JP is the most dirty rat in this server.
Sep 10 2015 09:31 PM -

where is gm kyros and event manager eclair? no announcement for any tournament this year -.- i love last year's anniversary event i hope they will do it again.

YouGotOwnedBy, PrimeAffinity, Outcastgamers and Camarederie all missing wtf

PrimeAffnity and YouGotOwnedBy gone, most of the Outcastgamers and Camarederie too. none of them joined Celestial War. one thing for sure, WITHOUT WORTHY OPPONENT = GAME WILL BE BORING

Game will be now named "iExoOnline" if shit wont get taken seriously.
Jul 26 2015 09:16 PM