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VOTE iRosePH to earn Premium Points. You can vote once per account and per IP address every 12 hours. Premium Points can be used in the Premium Shop at NPC Barnes in Junon Polis

VOTE iRosePH to earn Premium Points. You can vote once per account and per IP address every 12 hours. Premium Points can be used in the Premium Shop at NPC Barnes in Junon Polis

VOTE iRosePH to earn Premium Points. You can vote once per account and per IP address every 12 hours. Premium Points can be used in the Premium Shop at NPC Barnes in Junon Polis

VOTE iRosePH to earn Premium Points. You can vote once per account and per IP address every 12 hours. Premium Points can be used in the Premium Shop at NPC Barnes in Junon Polis

VOTE iRosePH to earn Premium Points. You can vote once per account and per IP address every 12 hours. Premium Points can be used in the Premium Shop at NPC Barnes in Junon Polis

VOTE iRosePH to earn Premium Points. You can vote once per account and per IP address every 12 hours. Premium Points can be used in the Premium Shop at NPC Barnes in Junon Polis.

VOTE iRosePH to earn Premium Points. You can vote once per account and per IP address every 12 hours. Premium Points can be used in the Premium Shop at NPC Barnes in Junon Polis.

VOTE iRosePH to earn Premium Points. You can vote once per account and per IP address every 12 hours. Premium Points can be used in the Premium Shop at NPC Barnes in Junon Polis.

VOTE iRosePH to earn Premium Points. You can vote once per account and per IP address every 12 hours. Premium Points can be used in the Premium Shop at NPC Barnes in Junon Polis.

game is dead and no one can save it anymore even if you flood it with your donations, last nigbt i've seen some exo trying some bug again in cartel, no sense filing ticket anymore because they will just let it slip as always the corruption here takes you to a whole new level of stupidity. even if you have new content it will still the same, RIP
Aug 11 2018 03:17 PM -

VOTE iRosePH to earn Premium Points. You can vote once per account and per IP address every 12 hours. Premium Points can be used in the Premium Shop at NPC Barnes in Junon Polis.

VOTE iRosePH to earn Premium Points. You can vote once per account and per IP address every 12 hours. Premium Points can be used in the Premium Shop at NPC Barnes in Junon Polis.

VOTE iRosePH to earn Premium Points. You can vote once per account and per IP address every 12 hours. Premium Points can be used in the Premium Shop at NPC Barnes in Junon Polis.

VOTE iRosePH to earn Premium Points. You can vote once per account and per IP address every 12 hours. Premium Points can be used in the Premium Shop at NPC Barnes in Junon Polis.

VOTE iRosePH to earn Premium Points. You can vote once per account and per IP address every 12 hours. Premium Points can be used in the Premium Shop at NPC Barnes in Junon Polis.